Thursday, June 26, 2008

Thursday something or other....26th?

Hi guys...sorry i havent posted this's been pretty busy.

Um, my brain is so full that im mostly taking notes and hoping things will sink in when i get back. I can't even remember what we did on Monday........

Yesterday was about creating power through lateral movements, so, sideways basically. On tuesday....erm...i can't even remember that! Oh well, you can have a look at my notes when i get back!

We had our last campfire with Pat and Tim last night. It was really good fun, and Tim is going to try and arrange coming to the UK next year, and come up to Scotland after the conference. That would be very cool, and a lot of fun!

Tonight i am going to pack! Tomorrow night we as a group are going out for a goodbye party type thing! It's sad but i am so looking forward to coming home!

Anyway, i'm gonna scoot is about lead changes :-) I just need to stay awake!!!!!! Not getting very much sleep atm..... 5-6 hours?!

Take care everyone, see you sooooooon!



Summer Solstice said...

Enjoy your last few days and see you at home soon


Sue said...

Now we all want to know why you are only getting 5-6 hrs sleep?
Are the bears bothering you ?


Elle said...

no....bears aren't bothering me...but our little group are trying to make the most of being together...thats all :-)


Sue said...

I can see reunions happening in various parts of the world - it's a very small world after all !!

Enjoy your final days there, we're SO looking forward to having you home again, and the horses are just going to love having the 'even more improved, even more savvy, and even more fun' Elle around.
