Monday, June 2, 2008

Monday 2nd

Hi Guys,

Hope everyone had a good weekend! I certainly did.

Friday turned out very emotional for most people! We were shown video's, and handed out certificates, and spent some time reflecting on the 2 weeks. It was very good...although i got a little emotional, it really brought everything together. I felt a bit lost still at the end of the course, but i found an ending there, or at least a stepping stone in the road.

On Friday night a group of us, around 20 i guess, went out to celebrate one of the ranch crew's birthday. Sam turned 23. So we went to a bar in town, and spent a lot of time dancing and drinking. it was a very fun night, however the morning was a different story!

On Saturday we did laundry and had a wander round town. I think we were there until around lunchtime, and in the afternoon we pretty much just chilled out. That evening we went to the cinema to see a movie called Baby Mama. It was RUBBISH! Oh well!

On Sunday i helped Trevor with parking the newbies trailers up at the car park, then in the afternoon we had orientation for the following 2 weeks. In the evening a group of us went to the hot springs, where we conducted a very funny experiment. We had practiced in class how to help a RBI come out of their shell. We caused them to become curious by matching and mirroring. Mirror their stance and mirror their breathing. So, at the hot springs, there was this guy standing underneath a waterfall obviously in his little happy place in his head. He had been standing there for a long time...same position and everything. So, the others dared me to go match and mirror him and see how long it takes to get him to look at me. So, i walked over the waterfall and took up position next to him, only a foot away or so, and matched his stance and his breathing. It took about 1 1/2 mins before he looked at me, at which point i couldnt stop myself from giggling anymore, so i had to leave. It was hilarious! We're off to the springs again tomorrow, so i will see if we can come up with any more experiments.

Today during remuda we played with our 45ft line, and our CS'. One game was quick draw with CS'. We had to flick the stick up with the string and catch it, then hit a certain point. After that we played with improving our skills with the 45ft line.

After that we had a classroom session, and basic introduction to everyone(the faculty). Next we had a demo from Avery and her horse 'A kiss' on me and my shadow. We went and played with that for a while before another demo from Avery with a students horse on Control, Confidence, Competence. The aim was to saddle the horse, but we never got there. But hey, that's ok. Play with the horse that shows up!

My play session with Dusty today was awesome. He was very willing and we had a lot of fun. So, i'm a happy little munchkin tonight :-)

Oh, i forgot to mention...we had a simulation on the seatbuilders today too...a.k.a Big Red! I forgot how much fun they were!!!

Thats it for today guys!

Take care and keep it natural!



Summer Solstice said...

Have a great week with the Fluidity 1 Elle.

So glad you're getting out and about, just don't mention your age, not sure but some States have a very high drinking age (21)...have you been ID'd yet? lol

It's raining here and I wanted so much to get out and ride Tara...injury much better now and wanting to get my confidence back. hey ho...always another day. Got big blue ball onto Sol's back and over butt yesterday, great stuff. Still having problems trying to Horsenality him, think he's mostly LBext but he's got LBint, RBint and RBext too! eek.

Miss you being here


Unknown said...

Is a cold compress easy to come by in the hot springs? It sounds to me that you are solliciting for a black eye. Otherwise,,,enjoy yourself.